Diamonds – Piano Notes and Chords – Rihanna

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Piano Letter Notes and Chords for Diamonds – Rihanna

This post provides the melody notes (right hand letter notes) and chords (left hand notes) for the song Diamonds by Rihanna.

This song features a repetitive and catchy melody with simple chord progressions. Focus on rhythmic accuracy and adding your own flair to the intro and bridge.

Key Information for the Song Diamonds by Rihanna

Key Signature: Two sharps (F#, C#)
Scale: B minor / D Major Scale (two black keys)
D Major Scale Notes: D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#

The relative minor of D major is B minor (i.e., the same notes but arranged in a different order).
B minor Scale Notes: B, C#, D, E, F#, G, A

Diamonds by Rihanna Piano Notes and Chords Key

Tempo: 87 bpm
Time Signature: 4/4
Difficulty Level: Intermediate, Advanced

Diamonds Piano Tutorial

Asterisk (star symbol): Indicates an octave.
Notes in Bracekt: Play quickly or fast.
Wavy Lines (Tilde): Sustained Notes
Vertical Bar: Pipe Symbol (|): Chord Change

Chord details for the song such as structure, formula, note intervals, etc., are given after the full song notations.

Diamonds Piano Chords

Notes of the B Minor Scale:
B, C#, D, E, F#, G, A, B

Chords of the B Minor Scale:
Bm, C#dm, D, Em, F#m, G, and A
(i.e., B minor, C# diminished, D major, E minor, F# minor, G major, and A major)

Chords used for the song Diamonds are:
G, Bm, A, F#m

Notes for the Diamonds Chords are:
G (G major): G, B, D
Bm (B minor): B, D, F#
A (A major): A, C#, E
F#m (F-sharp minor): F#, A, C#

Diamonds Piano Notes and Chords

Focus on maintaining a steady rhythm and emphasizing the dynamic shifts to capture the song’s uplifting feel.


Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond

    *B      F#       (*B *B)  (F#) F# ~~~
|   Shine bright  like a    diamond |
| G                                                | Bm

     *B       F#      (*B *B) (F#) F# ~~~
|   Shine  bright  like a   diamond |
| A                                                 | F#m

Verse 1 (Part 1)

Find light in the beautiful sea,
I choose to be happy
You and I, you and I,
we’re like diamonds in the sky

     F#    F#    (*B *B) (F# F#) F#  F#~
|    Find light  in the    beautiful    | sea,
| G                                                | Bm

F#  F# F#    (F#) F#  E~~
I     choose  to be      happy

    (E E) E~     (E E) E~
|   You and I,  you and I,
| A

(*B D)        E  E         E   F#  *B~~
we’re like | diamonds in  the | sky
                | F#m                     | G

Verse 1 (Part 2)

You’re a shooting star I see,
a vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I’m alive,
we’re like diamonds in the sky

(E) F#      F#  *B     E    F#  F#~
You’re a  shooting  star I    | see,
                                        | Bm

(*B F#) F#  (F#)  F# E E~~
a vision        of    ecstasy

     (C# E)       E      E~~   (C# E) E E~
|   When you hold me,      I’m alive,
| A

C#  E  E     E     E      F#  *B~
we’re like | diamonds  in  the | sky
               | F#m                   | G


I knew that we’d become one right away
Oh, right away

At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes

F#~ E~    G~     F#~ *B~  *B~
I      knew that | we’d  become
                      | Bm

F#~ F#    (E) E~~       G G (F#) F#~~
one right | away,   Oh, right away
              | A

   F#~   E~   G~    F#~ *B~
|  At      first  sight I      | felt
| G                              | Bm

(*B *B) *A *B    F# F# (E) E~~~
the energy       of   | sun rays
                            | A

G G     (F#) F#~    G F#  *B G~ F#~~
I   saw  the life       ins | ide your eyes
  | F#m

So shine bright,
         | G


(So shine bright,)
tonight, you and I
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

G F#~~   *B G  C#~~~
to | night,     you and | I
    | Bm                    | A

*B F#    (F#) F#~   *B
We’re   beautiful    like

F# F#        F#  E    D~~
| diamonds  in   the | sky
| F#m                    | G

*B  G~ F#~~  *B   G~ C#~~~
Eye to | eye,  so | alive
           | Bm       | A

*B F#    (F# F#~)   *B
We’re   beautiful    like

F# F#        F#  E    D~~
| diamonds  in   the | sky
| F#m                    | G

Post-Chorus (Part 1)

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

*B        F#    (*B *B)  F# F#
Shine bright  like a   | diamond
                              | Bm

*B        F#     (*B *B)  F# E~~
Shine  bright  like a    diamond |
                                              | A

*B          F#      (*B *B)  F# F#
Shining  bright  like a     diamond

F#       (F# F#)  *B    F# F#        E  E   D~~
| We’re beautiful  like  diamonds in the | sky
| Bm                                                | A

Post-Chorus (Part 2)

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

*B        F#    (*B *B)   F# F#
Shine bright  like a    | diamond
                                | Bm

*B        F#     (*B *B)  F# E~~
Shine  bright  like a    diamond |
                                              | A

*B        F#       (*B *B) F# E~~
Shine  bright    like a diamond

F#       (F# F#)  *B    F# F#        E  E   D~~
| We’re beautiful  like  diamonds in the | sky
| Bm                                                | A

Verse 2 (Part 1)

Palms rise to the universe
as we moonshine and molly

Feel the warmth, we’ll never die,
we’re like diamonds in the sky

F#       F#   (*B *B)  (F# F#) F#~
Palms rise  to the    universe |
                                           | Bm

F#   F#~  F# F#         F#  (E) E~
as   we    moonshine and molly |
                                              | A

E       (E) E            E (F#) G F#~~
Feel   the warmth, we’ll never die,

(*B) D        F#   F#   F#  F# *B~
we’re like | diamonds in  the | sky
               | F#m                  | G

Verse 2 (Part 2)

You’re a shooting star I see,
a vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I’m alive,
we’re like diamonds in the sky

Same as Verse 1 (Part 2)

(E) F#      F#  *B     E    F#  F#~
You’re a  shooting  star I    | see,
                                        | Bm

(*B F#) F#  (F#)  F# E E~~
a vision        of    ecstasy

     (C# E)       E      E~~   (C# E) E E~
|   When you hold me,      I’m alive,
| A

C#  E  E     E     E      F#  *B~
we’re like | diamonds  in  the | sky
               | F#m                   | G


At first sight, I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes

   F#~   E~   G~    F#~ *B~
|  At      first  sight I      | felt
| G                              | Bm

(*B *B) *A *B    F# F# (E) E~~~
the energy       of   | sun rays
                            | A

G G     (F#) F#~    G F#  *B G~ F#~~
I   saw  the life       ins | ide your eyes
  | F#m


So shine bright, tonight, you and I
We’re beautiful, like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We’re beautiful, like diamonds in the sky

G F#~~   *B G  C#~~~
to | night,     you and | I
    | Bm                    | A

*B F#    (F#) F#~   *B
We’re   beautiful    like

F# F#        F#  E    D~~
| diamonds  in   the | sky
| F#m                    | G

*B  G~ F#~~  *B   G~ C#~~~
Eye to | eye,  so | alive
           | Bm       | A

*B F#    (F# F#~)   *B
We’re   beautiful    like

F# F#        F#  E    D~~
| diamonds  in   the | sky
| F#m                    | G


*B        F#    (*B *B)  F# F#
Shine bright  like a   | diamond
                              | Bm

*B        F#     (*B *B)  F# E~~
Shine  bright  like a    diamond |
                                              | A

*B          F#      (*B *B)  F# F#
Shining  bright  like a     diamond

F#       (F# F#)  *B    F# F#        E  E   D~~
| We’re beautiful  like  diamonds in the | sky
| Bm                                                | A

*B        F#    (*B *B)   F# F#
Shine bright  like a    | diamond
                                | Bm
*B        F#     (*B *B)  F# E~~
Shine  bright  like a    diamond |
                                             | A

*B        F#       (*B *B) F# E~~
Shine  bright    like a diamond

F#       (F# F#)  *B    F# F#        E  E   D~~
| We’re beautiful  like  diamonds in the | sky
| Bm                                                | A


Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond

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