Falling – Piano Notes and Chords – Harry Styles

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Piano Notes and Chords for Falling – Harry Styles

Key Information for the Song Falling by Harry Styles

Key Signature: Four sharps (F#, C#, G#, D#)
Scale: E Major Scale (four black keys)
E Major Scale Notes: E, F#, G#, A, B, C#, D#

The relative minor of E major is C# minor (i.e., the same notes but arranged in a different order).
C# minor Scale Notes: C#, D#, E, F#, G#, A, B

Tempo: 105 bpm
Time Signature: 4/4
Difficulty Level: Beginner, Intermediate

This post provides the letter notes for the melody of Falling by Harry Styles. The song is in E major with a tempo of 105 BPM and a 4/4 time signature. These notes are intended for piano and are suitable for players with some experience as well as for beginners.

Falling Piano Tutorial

Asterisk (star symbol): Indicates an octave.
Notes in Bracekt: Play quickly or fast.
Wavy Lines (Tilde): Sustained Notes
Vertical Bar: Pipe Symbol (|): Chord Change

Chord details for the song such as structure, formula, note intervals, etc., are given after the full song notations.

Falling Piano Chords

Notes of the E Major Scale: E, F#, G#, A, B, C#, D# + E

Chords of the E Major Scale:
E, F#m, G#m, A, B, C#m and D#dm
(i.e., E major, F# minor, G# minor, A major, B major, C# minor and D# diminished)

Chords used for the song Falling are:
E, C#m, B, G#m7, A, F#m

Notes for the Falling Chords are:
E (E major): E, G#, B
C#m (C-sharp minor): C#, E, G#
B (B major): B, D#, F#
G#m7 (G-sharp minor seventh): G#, B, D#, F#
A (A major): A, C#, E
F#m (F-sharp minor): F#, A, C#

Falling Piano Notes and Chords

Intro Music

| G# F# F# G# F# F# F# E
| E

| G# F# F# G# F# F# F# E
| E

| G# F# F# G# F# F# F# E
| C#m

| G# F# F# G# F# F# F# E
| C#m

| G# F# F# G# F# F# F# E
| B

| G# F# F# G# F# F# F# E
| B

| G# F# F# G# F# F# F# E
| G#m7 (or A)

| G#~~
| G#m7 (or A)

Verse 1 (Part 1)

I’m in my bed
And you’re not here
And there’s no one to blame but the drink in my wandering hands

E   B  B~~ G#~~~
| I’m in my bed |
| A                   | E

E      F#  F#~      F#~ E~~~
And you’re not   he | re
                              | C#m

E     F#       F#~~  E    G# F#~~
And there’s no|      one to   blame
                      | B

E    G#  F#~~  E G#   F#~~ E  C# C#~~~
but the  drink   in my   wan | dering    hands
                             | G#m7

Verse 1 (Part 2)

Forget what I said
It’s not what I meant
And I can’t take it back, I can’t unpack the baggage you left

(E) (B) B B~ G#~~~
|  Forget what I said
| A

(E) F# F# F#~ F#~~
|  It’s not what I meant
| E

      E F# F#~~ E G# F#~~
|    And I can’t|  take it back,
| C#m           | B

E G# F#~~ E G# F#~~ E C# C#~~~
I can’t unpack the bag| gage you left
| G#m7

Chorus (Part 1)

What am I now? What am I now?
What if I’m someone I don’t want around?
I’m falling again, I’m falling again, I’m fallin’

    (C#*) (E*) E*~ E*~~
|   What am I now?
| A

   (C#*) (E*) E*~ E*~~~
|  What am I now?
| E

(C#*) (E*) E*~ F#*~~ E* G#* F#*~~ E* E* E*~~
What if I’m some| one I don’t want around?
                          | C#m

E*~ G#*~~ F#* E* C#*~~
I’m fal| ling again,
         | B

B~ G#*~~ F#* E* C#*~~
I’m falling again,|
                         | G#m7

B~ G#*~~ F#* E*~~~
I’m fal| lin’
        | A

Chorus (Part 2)

What if I’m down? What if I’m out?
What if I’m someone you won’t talk about?
I’m falling again, I’m falling again, I’m fallin’

(C#* E*)  E*~  E*~~
What if I’m down?|
                            | E

(C#*)   (E*)  E*~  E*~~~
What   if      I’m   out?

(C#*) (E*)  E*~  F#*~~ E*
What if I’m some| one
                          | C#m

G#*   F#*~~   E*   E* E*~~
you   won’t    talk  about?

E*~ G#*~~ F#* E* C#*~~
I’m fal| ling again,
         | B

B~ G#*~~ F#* E* C#*~~
I’m falling again,|
                         | G#m7

B~ G#*~~ F#* E*~~~
I’m fal| lin’
         | A

Verse 2

You said you cared, and you missed me too
And I’m well aware I write too many songs about you
And the coffee’s out at the Beachwood Cafe
And it kills me ’cause I know we’ve run out of things we can say

E B B~ G#~~~
You said you cared,

(E) (E) F# F#~ F#~~~
|  and you missed me too|
| E                                  | C#m

E F#~~ E G# F#~~ E G#
And I’m|  well aware I write
            | B

F#~~ E G# F#~~ E C# C#~~~
too many songs|     about you
                         | G#m7

(E) (E) B B~ G#~~~
|  And the coffee’s out|
| A                            | E

G# G# Eb*~ Eb*~ Eb*~ E*~~~
at the Beach| wood Cafe
                    | C#m

E* F#* F#*~~   E* G#* F#*~~
And it kills| me ’cause I know
                 | B

E* G#* F#*~~  E* G#* F#*~~
we’ve run out of things|
                              | G#m7

E* E* E*~~~
we can say
                   | A


What am I now? What am I now?
What if I’m someone I don’t want around?
I’m falling again, I’m falling again, I’m fallin’
What if I’m down? What if I’m out?
What if I’m someone you won’t talk about?
I’m falling again, I’m falling again, I’m fallin’

    (C#*) (E*) E*~ E*~~
|   What am I now?
| A

   (C#*) (E*) E*~ E*~~~
|  What am I now?
| E

(C#*) (E*) E*~ F#*~~ E* G#* F#*~~ E* E* E*~~
What if I’m some| one I don’t want around?
                          | C#m

E*~ G#*~~ F#* E* C#*~~
I’m fal| ling again,
         | B

B~ G#*~~ F#* E* C#*~~
I’m falling again,|
                         | G#m7

B~ G#*~~ F#* E*~~~
I’m fal| lin’
        | A

(C#* E*)  E*~  E*~~
What if I’m down?|
                            | E

(C#*)   (E*)  E*~  E*~~~
What   if      I’m   out?

(C#*) (E*)  E*~  F#*~~ E*
What if I’m some| one
                          | C#m

G#*   F#*~~   E*   E* E*~~
you   won’t    talk  about?

E*~ G#*~~ F#* E* C#*~~
I’m fal| ling again,
         | B

B~ G#*~~ F#* E* C#*~~
I’m falling again,|
                         | G#m7

B~ G#*~~ F#* E*~~~
I’m fal| lin’
         | A

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