Piano Letter Notes for Hello – Adele – CDE FGAB
Tips to Play the Piano Notes for Hello
Some letter notes for the song Hello are given in brackets like (notes); play those notes continuously or connected.
~ – wavy line (tilde) after a note means to sustain that note or press that note for longer.
Part 1
Hello, it’s me
I was wondering
if after all these years
you’d like to meet
To go over everything
A#C*~~ A# A#~~~
Hello, it’s me
G# C* C*~ (C*C*~)
I was won_dering
(C* C*~) (A# A#~) G# A#~
if af_ ter all these years
C* A# F G#~
you’d like to meet
G# C* C*~ A#G#~ A# A# A# A#
To go o_ver everything
Part 2
They say that time’s
supposed to heal ya,
but I ain’t done much healing
Hello, can you hear me?
C* C* C* C*~
They say that time’s
(C* C*~) C* A# G#~
supposed to_ heal_ ya,
(G# G# A# A#)
but I ain’t done
A# G# G#~ F~~
much heal_ ing
A# C*~ C*~~
A# A# A#~ C* ~~
can you hear me?
Part 3
I’m in California dreaming
about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
G# C* C*~ (C*C*~) (C*C*~)
I’m in Ca_ lifor_ nia drea_
A# A#~ G# A# C* A# F G#
ming a_ bout_ who we used to be
G# G# C* C*~ G#
When we were youn_ ger
A# A#~~ C*~~
and free
Part 4
I’ve forgotten how it felt
before the world fell at our feet
There’s such a difference between us
And a million miles
Notes similar to Part 3
G# C* C*~ (C*C*~) (C*C*~)
I’ve forgot_ ten how it felt
A# A#~ G# A#
before the world
C* A# F G#
fell at our feet
G# G# C* C* G#~ A#~
There’s such a difference
D#* D#*~ C* A# G#
betwee_ n us
G# C* C*~ A# A#~ G#~~~
And a million miles
Part 5
Hello from the other side
I must’ve called
a thousand times
F* F* G#* G#* A#* A#* A#*~~ G#*~~
Hello from the other side
F* F* F* G#* G#*
I must’ve called a
A#* A#* A#*~~ G#*
thousand times
Part 6
To tell you I’m sorry
for everything that I’ve done
But when I call,
you never seem to be home
G#* D#** G#*~ C** G#*~ G#*
To tell you I’m sorry
G#* (G#* G#* G#*) G* F* D#*~
for everything that I’ve done
D#* D#* D#** G#*~ C**
But_ when I call, you
G#*~ G#*~ G#* G* F* D#*~ F*
never seem to be home
Part 7
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I’ve tried
To tell you I’m sorry
for breaking your heart
But it don’t matter,
it clearly doesn’t
tear you apart anymore
Notes are similar to part 6
F* F* G#* G#* A#* A#* A#*~~ G#*~~
Hello from the out_ si_ de
F* F* F* G#* G#*
At least I can say
A#* A#* A#*~~ G#*
that I’ve tried
To tell you I’m sorry
for breaking your heart
But it don’t matter,
it clearly doesn’t
tear you apart anymore