Piano Notes and Chords for Unconditionally – Katy Perry
This post provides the melody notes (right hand letter notes) and chords (left hand notes) for the song Unconditionally by Katy Perry.
Key Information
Key Signature: One sharp (F#)
Scale: E minor / G Major Scale (one black key)
E minor Scale Notes: E, F#, G, A, B, C, D

The relative minor of G major is E minor (i.e., the same notes but arranged in a different order).
G Major Scale Notes: G, A, B, C, D, E, F#
Tempo: 63 bpm
Time Signature: 4/4
Difficulty Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Unconditionally Piano Tutorial
Asterisk (star symbol): Indicates an octave.
Notes in Bracekt: Play quickly or fast.
Wavy Lines (Tilde): Sustained Notes
Vertical Bar: Pipe Symbol (|): Chord Change
Unconditionally Piano Chords
List of chords and their notes for the song Unconditionally:
C (C major) chord: C, E, and G
G (G major) chord: G, B, and D
Em (E minor) chord: E, G, and B
D (D major) chord: D, F#, and A
E (E major) chord: E, G#, and B
Chord details for the song such as structure, formula, note intervals, etc., are given after the full song notations.
Unconditionally Piano Notes and Chords
Intro Music
D* D* D* D* C*
(B) (B) (B) C* A (F#)
Verse 1
Oh no, did I get too close?
Oh, did I almost see what’s really on the inside?
All your insecurities
All the dirty laundry
Never made me blink one time
D*~ D*~ D* (E*) D* C*~ B~
| Oh no, | did I get too | close?
|Em |C |G
B~ B (C*) B A~ G~
Oh, | Did I almost | see
|D |Em
D*~ D* (E*) D* C*~ B D*~~
what´ | really on the | inside?
|C |G
D*~ D*~ D* (E*) (D* C*~ B~
| All your | insecuri | ties
|Em |C |G
B~ B (C*) B A~ G~
All | the dirty | laundry
|D |Em
D*~ D* (E*) (D* C*~ B D*~~
| Never made me | blink one time
|C |G
Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally
G* D* G* C**~ B*~~
Uncondi | tional~~ |
|Em |C
G* D* G* C**~ B*~ G*~
uncondi| tionally~ | ~
|D |G
G* D* G* A*~~
I will love |you
(G*) A* (B*) A* G* D*~~~
un| conditionally~ |~~
|C | G
G* D* G* C**~ B*~~
There is no |fear now |
|Em |C
G* D* G* C**~ B*~ G*~
Let go and | just be | free
|D |G
G* D* G* A*~~
I will love | you
(G*) (A* (B*) A* G* G*~~~
un | conditionally~ | ~
|C |G
Verse 2
So come just as you are to me
Don’t need apologies
Know that you are worthy
I’ll take your bad days with your good
Walk through the storm, I would
I’d do it all because I love you
I love you
D*~ D*~ D* (E*) D* C*~ B~
|Come just |as you are | to me
|Em |C |G
B~ B (C*) (B A~ G~
Don´t |need apolo| gies
|D |Em
D*~ D* (E*) (D* C*~ B D*~~
Know |that you are |worthy
|C |G
(G) D*~ D*~ D* (E*) D* C*~ B~
|I´ll take your |bad days with your |good
|Em |C |G
B~ B (C*) B A~ G~
Walk |through this storm | I would
|D |Em
D*~ (D*) D* (E*) D* C*~ B D*~~
I´d do it |all because I | love you,
|C |G
G* A* B*~~
I | love you |
| Em |G
G* D* G* C**~ B*~~
Uncondi | tional~~ |
|Em |C
G* D* G* C**~ B*~ G*~
uncondi| tionally~ | ~
|D |G
G* D* G* A*~~
I will love |you
(G*) A* (B*) A* G* D*~~~
un| conditionally~ |~~
|C | G
G* D* G* C**~ B*~~
There is no |fear now |
|Em |C
G* D* G* C**~ B*~ G*~
Let go and | just be | free
|D |G
G* D* G* A*~~
I will love | you
(G*) (A* (B*) A* G* G*~~~
un | conditionally~ | ~
|C |G
Unconditionally Piano Chord Details
Here are the notes, structure, formula, and note intervals for the Unconditionally Chords:
Notes of the E Minor Scale:
E, F#, G, A, B, C, D, E
Chords of the E Minor Scale:
Em, F#dm, G, Am, Bm, C, and D
(i.e., E minor, F# diminished, G major, A minor, B minor, C major, and D major)
Chords used for the song Unconditionally are:
C, G, Em, D, and E
C Chord
C (C major) chord notes: C, E, G
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – 3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), 3 (major third), and 5 (perfect fifth)
G Chord
G (G major) chord notes: G, B, D
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – 3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), 3 (major third), and 5 (perfect fifth)
Em Chord
Em (E minor) chord notes: E, G, B
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – b3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), b3 (minor third), and 5 (perfect fifth)
D Chord
D (D major) chord notes: D, F#, A
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – 3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), 3 (major third), and 5 (perfect fifth)
E Chord
E (E major) chord notes: E, G#, B
Structure: Triad (a three-note chord)
Chord Formula: 1 – 3 – 5
Note intervals: 1 (root note), 3 (major third), and 5 (perfect fifth)