Why do the treble staff lines start with an E from the bottom line? Why does it not start with C?
The grand staff on sheet music is a combination of the treble and bass clefs.
The treble staff, also known as the G clef, indicates that the second line from the bottom represents the note G. E is represented on the bottom line of the treble staff to maintain this alphabetical progression.
The treble clef on sheet music is shown below. It shows that Note E is on the first line of the treble clef, which is the bottom line.
But why does it not start with C? This might seem counterintuitive at first, but there are a few historical and practical reasons behind it.
Historical Origin
The treble clef, also called the G-clef, evolved from the Greek letter Gamma (Γ). Over time, the shape changed and was stylized to become the familiar symbol we know today.
The two loops of the G-clef encircle the second line of the staff, which historically signified the G note above middle C.
To simplify notation for higher-pitched instruments like violins and oboes, the E below that G became the reference point on the bottom line. This made it easier to write and read notes within a comfortable range for these instruments.
The reason notes on treble staff lines do not start with C is due to the historical development of musical notation. The placement of the notes on the staff is based on the diatonic scale, which starts on the note C in modern Western music.
However, when musical notation was first being developed, it was based on a different scale called the Guidonian hand, where the note E represented the lowest pitch.
Over time, as music evolved and standardized, the placement of notes on the staff shifted to accommodate this change in tonal center.
The reason notes on the treble staff lines do not start with C is due to the way musical notation evolved over time.
The treble staff, also known as the G clef, was originally designed to represent the pitch range of higher voices and instruments.
To ensure that these higher pitches could be easily represented on the staff, note E was chosen as the starting point from the bottom line.
This allowed for a clear representation of both high and low pitches within the treble staff’s range.
Practical Advantages
Instruments and voices with higher ranges often utilize the upper and middle sections of the staff more frequently.
Starting with E on the bottom line allows for more notes within those crucial 5 lines and 4 spaces.
If the clef started with C, many high notes would end up on ledger lines above the staff, making them harder to read and play. Ledger lines increase visual clutter and can be cumbersome for musicians, especially beginners.
SO, starting with E on the bottom line allows many common melodies and chords to be written within the five lines of the staff, minimizing the need for ledger lines (short lines above or below the staff) which can make reading more challenging.
The mnemonic “Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge” helps musicians remember the notes on the lines (E, G, B, D, F). This pattern would be disrupted if the lines started with C.
The treble clef is often used in conjunction with the bass clef (F-clef) for piano or choral music. Both clefs have their own reference notes (G and F) separated by an octave, making it easier to switch between them and read music for different parts.
So, while it may seem unusual at first, the starting note of E on the treble clef is a result of historical evolution and practical considerations for writing and reading music for higher-pitched instruments and voices.
Relationship with Other Clefs
The treble clef isn’t alone! Music notation uses different clefs for different pitch ranges. The bass clef, commonly used for lower instruments, starts with F below Middle C (F3) for similar practical reasons.
This system avoids the need for excessive ledger lines across different instruments and vocal ranges, ensuring clarity and efficiency in reading music.