Lego House Piano Notes (Ed Sheeran)

Piano Notes for Lego House

Key Information for Lego House

Key Signature: Five sharps (F#, C#, G#, D#, A#)
Scale: B Major Scale (five black keys)
B Major Scale Notes: B, C#, D#, E, F#, G#, A#
Tempo: 80 bpm
Time Signature: 4/4
Difficulty Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Same Notes, but on Different Scales

The relative minor of B major is G# minor (i.e., the same notes but arranged in a different order).
G# minor Scale Notes: G#, A#, B, C#, D#, E, F#

The enharmonic equivalent of B major is Cb major i.e., the same notes but written (notated) differently.
Cb major Scale Notes: Cb, Db, Eb, Fb, Gb, Ab, Bb

Lego House Piano Tutorial

Asterisk (star symbol): Indicates an octave.
Notes in Bracekt: Play quickly or fast.
Wavy Lines (Tilde): Sustained Notes
Vertical Bar: Pipe Symbol (|): Chord Change

Lego House Piano Notes


(*F# *B)  C#  C#~  C#~  F#~  F#
(*F# *G#)  *B  *B~  *B~  E~  (E)  D#~~

Verse 1

(F# F# F#)  A#  B  B  B~~
I’m gonna pick up the pieces

F#~  (F#)  A#  (A# A#)  B  B~~
and build a LEGO house

(F#)  G#  F#  F#
If things go wrong,

(F# D# F# F#)  D#~~
we can knock it down

F#  B  B  B  B~~  F#~~
My three words have two meanings,

C#*  (C#*)  C#*  D#*  D#*~~
but there’s one thing on my mind

B  F#*  D#*~  (C#* B)  B~~
It’s all for you,

(A# A# B~)


(*B *B *B *B *B C#)  D#
And it’s dark in a cold December

(*B *B *B *B *B F#)  D#~~
But I’ve got you to keep me warm

(*B *B *B *B C#)  D#
If you’re broken, I will mend ya

(*B *B *B *B *B *B)  F#  D#
And I’ll keep you sheltered from the storm

C#  *B  C#  D#  C#  *B  *B~~
that’s raging on now


(*B *B C#)  D#~
I’m out of touch,

(*B *B C#)  D#~
I’m out of love

(*B *B C#)  D#  F#  D#  C#  C#~~
I’ll pick you up when you’re gettin’ down

(*B *B *B)  E  D#  C#  C#  *G#~~
And out of all these things I’ve done

(*B *B)  C#  D#  (C# *B)  *B~
I think I love you better now

(*B *B C#)  D#~
I’m out of sight,

(*B *B C#)  D#~
I’m out of mind

(*B *B C#)  D#  F#  D#  C#  C#~~
I’ll do it all for you in time

(*B *B *B)  E  D#  C#  C#  *G#~~
And out of all these things I’ve done

(*B *B)  C#  D#  (C# *B)  *B~~~
I think I love you better now, now

Verse 2

(F#)  F#  B  B  B  B~~  F#~~
I’m gonna paint you by numbers

(G#)  A#  A#  B~~~
and colour you in

G#  F#  F#~  (D#)  F#  D#~~
If things go right, we can frame it,

(E F# F# F# D# C#)  *B 8~
and put you on a wall

(B A#)  B  B  B  B~  (C#*)  D#*~
And it’s so hard to say it,

(B B E*)  D#*  (E*)  D#*  (C#*)  B~
but I’ve been here before

(B B B)  F#*  (F#*)  F#*  B  B~~
Now, I’ll surrender up my heart,

(B)  D#*  C#*  B  (D#* C#*)  B~
and swap it for yours


(*B *B C#)  D#~
I’m out of touch,

(*B *B C#)  D#~
I’m out of love

(*B *B C#)  D#  F#  D#  C#  C#~~
I’ll pick you up when you’re gettin’ down

(*B *B *B)  E  D#  C#  C#  *G#~~
And out of all these things I’ve done

(*B *B)  C#  D#  (C# *B)  *B~
I think I love you better now

(*B *B C#)  D#~
I’m out of sight,

(*B *B C#)  D#~
I’m out of mind

(*B *B C#)  D#  F#  D#  C#  C#~~
I’ll do it all for you in time

(*B *B *B)  E  D#  C#  C#  *G#~~
And out of all these things I’ve done

(*B *B)  C#  D#  (C# *B)  *B~~~
I think I love you better now, now

Piano Tutorial