Yellow – Piano Notes – Coldplay

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Piano Notes for Yellow – Coldplay – CDE FGAB

Key Information for the Song Yellow by Coldplay

Scale: E Major Scale (four black keys)
Key Signature: Four sharps (F#, C#, G#, D#)
E Major Scale Notes: E, F#, G#, A, B, C#, D#
Tempo: 85 bpm
Time Signature: 4/4
Difficulty Level: Beginner

This post provides the letter notes for the melody of Yellow by Coldplay. The song is in E major with a tempo of 85 BPM and a 4/4 time signature. These notes are intended for piano and are suitable for players with some experience as well as for beginners.

The song Yellow is very easy to play on the piano because of its catchy melody, basic chords and a repetitive pattern. The tempo is moderate, making it suitable for beginners.

Tips to Play the Piano Notes for Yellow

Fast Notes – Brackets

Some letter notes for the song Yellow are given in brackets like (notes); they are meant to be played quickly or fast, similar to 16th, 32nd, or sometimes 8th notes in sheet music.

Play these notes continuously and connectedly, following the “Yellow” song’s rhythm and lyrics.

The next regular note is written immediately after the closing bracket.

Sustained Notes – Wavy Lines

The wavy line symbol ~ (tilde) following a note indicates sustained notes.

  • One tilde signifies a quarter-note duration on the piano sheet.
  • Two tildes denote a half-note duration.
  • Three tildes signify a whole note duration.

Therefore, press and hold the note for the appropriate duration based on the number of tildes while playing the piano notes for the Yellow song.

Part 1 (Intro Music)

(Play F# 8 times and the E 7 times.)
F# F# F# F# F# F# F# F#
F# E E E E E E E

(Play A# 8 times and the G# 7 times.)
A# A# A# A# A# A# A# A#
A# G# G# G# G# G# G# G#

D# C# C# C# C# C# C# C#
C#*B *B *B *B *B *B *B

(Play F# 8 times and the E 7 times.)
F# F# F# F# F# F# F# F#
F# E E E E E E E

Part 2 (Verse 1)

Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah, they were all yellow

C#*    D#* C#*  D#*~~
Look  at    the   stars

C#*   D#*  C#*  D#*~  F#*~~ C#*~~~
Look how  they shine  for       you

F#     C#* B C#*~  F#*~  B~~~
And  everything     you    do

(G# B G#)            B~   G# F#~
Yeah, they were  all    yellow

Part 3 (Verse 1)

I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called Yellow

C#*  D#*     C#* D#*~~
I       came  along

C#*  D#*    C#*  D#*~  F#*~~ C#*~~~
I       wrote  a     song   for       you

F#    C#*  B    C#*~   F#*~ B~~~
And  all    the  things you   do

(G# B G#)   B~      G# F#~
And it was  called  Yellow

Part 4 (Verse 1)

So then I took my turn
Oh, what a thing to have done
And it was all yellow

C#*  D#*  C#*  D#*   F#*~~ C#*~~~
So   then  I       took  my        turn

F#    C#*   B   C#*~   F#*~      B~~~
Oh,  what   a   thing   to have  done

(G# B G#)   B~  G# F#~
And it was   all    yellow


D# D# D# D#
F# F# F# F# F# F# F# F#

Part 3 (Chorus)

Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
And you know, you know I love you so
You know I love you so

B~     G#*~~~
Your  skin,

B    B        F#*   F#*   D#*  D#*~
oh  yeah,  your  skin  and  bones

B       G#* G#*~~~
Turn   into

B B              F#* F#* D#* D#*~~
something   beautiful

B      G#*  G#*~~~
And  you   know,

B     B        F#*  F#* D#*  D#*~~
you know   I      love you  so

B     B       F#* F#*   D#*  D#*~
You know I      love  you  so


F# F# F# F# F# F# F# F#
F# E E E E E E E

A# A# A# A# A# A# A# A#
A# G# G# G# G# G# G# G#

D# C# C# C# C# C# C# C#

C#*B *B *B *B *B *B *B

F# F# F# F# F# F# F# F#
F# E E E E E E E

Part 4 (Verse 2)

I swam across
I jumped across for you
Oh, what a thing to do
‘Cause you were all yellow

I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh, what a thing to do
And it was all yellow

C#*  D#*     C#*  D#*~~
I       swam  across

C#*  D#*        C#*  D#*~  F#*~~ C#*~~~
I       jumped  across       for       you

F#    C#*  B  C#*~  F#*~  B~~~
Oh,  what a   thing    to     do

(G# B G#)             B~   G# F#~
‘Cause you were  all   yellow

C#*    D#* C#*  D#*~~
I drew a line
C#*   D#*  C#*  D#*~  F#*~~ C#*~~~
I drew a line for you
F#     C#* B C#*~  F#*~  B~~~
Oh, what a thing to do
(G# B G#)            B~   G# F#~
And it was all yellow


D# D# D# D#
F# F# F# F# F# F# F# F#

Part 5 (Chorus)

And your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
And you know, for you, I’d bleed myself dry
For you, I’d bleed myself dry

B     B~    G#*~~~   B    B      F#*   F#*   D#*  D#*~
And your skin,         oh yeah, your skin and bones

B      G#* G#*~~~   B     B         F#* F#* D#* D#*~~
Turn into                  something beautiful

B     G#*  G#*~~~  B    B    F#*  F#*     D#* D#*  D#*~~
And you know,       for you, I’d    bleed myself    dry

B     B    F#*           F#* D#*  D#*~
For you, I’d bleed myself    dry

Part 6 (Bridge)

It’s true
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for

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