Demons – Piano Notes and Chords – Imagine Dragons

Piano Notes for Demons – Imagine Dragons – CDE FGAB

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This post provides the melody notes (right hand letter notes) and chords (left hand notes) for the song Demons by American pop rock band Imagine Dragons.

Key Information for the Song Demons

Key Signature: Three flats (Bb, Eb, Ab)
Scale: Eb Major Scale (three black keys)
Eb Major Scale Notes: Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb, C, D

The relative minor of Eb major is C minor (i.e., the same notes but arranged in a different order).
C minor Scale Notes: C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb

The enharmonic equivalent of Eb major is D# major i.e., the same notes but written (notated) differently.
D# major Scale Notes: D#, E# (F), F## (G), G#, A#, B# (C), C## (D), D#

Tempo: 90 bpm
Time Signature: 4/4
Difficulty Level: Beginner

The song Demons opens with a dramatic piano intro that builds tension with dissonant chords. The piano maintains a sparse presence throughout the verses, adding accents and fills. The intensity builds in the chorus, where the piano joins the driving drums and guitars.

The song is in Eb Major key with a tempo of 90 BPM and a 4/4 time signature. These notes are intended for piano and are suitable for players with some experience as well as for beginners.

Piano Tutorial

Asterisk (star symbol): Indicates an octave.
Notes in Bracekt: Play quickly or fast.
Wavy Lines (Tilde): Sustained Notes
Vertical Bar: Pipe Symbol (|): Chord Change

Chord details for the song such as structure, formula, note intervals, etc., are given after the full song notations.

Demons Piano Chords

Notes of the Eb (E Flat) Major Scale:
Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb

Chords of the Eb (E Flat) Major Scale:
Eb, Fm, Gm, Ab, Bb, Cm and Ddm
(i.e., Eb major, F minor, G minor, Ab major, Bb major, C minor and D diminished)

Chords used for the song Demons are:
Eb, Bb, Cm, Ab

Notes for the Demons Chords are:
Eb (E-flat major): Eb, G, Bb
Bb (B-flat major): Bb, D, F
Cm (C minor): C, Eb, G
Ab (A-flat major): Ab, C, Eb

Demons Piano Notes and Chords

Verse 1 (Part 1)

When the days are cold.
And the cards all fold
And the saints we see
are all made of gold

(Eb     Eb) Bb~~   G~   F
When the days| are cold
                        | Eb

(Eb   Eb) Bb~~   G~  F
And the cards|  all fold
                     | Bb

(Eb   Eb) C*~~   G~  F
And the   saints| we see
                        | Cm

(Eb  Eb) Ab~~  Ab   Ab~
Are all   made| of gold
                      | Ab

Verse 1 (Part 2)

When your dreams all fail.
And the ones we hail
Are the worst of all,
and the blood’s run stale

(Eb     Eb)  Bb~~     G~   F
When your dreams| all fail
                              | Eb

(Eb   Eb) Bb~~  G~  F
And the   ones| we hail
                      | Bb

(Eb  Eb) C*~~   G~  F
Are the  worst| of all
             | Cm

(Eb  Eb) Ab~      Ab~ Ab~~~
And the blood’s| run stale
               | Ab

Pre-Chorus (Part 1)

I wanna hide the truth.
I wanna shelter you
But with the beast inside.
There’s nowhere we can hide

(Bb Bb Bb) Bb~  G~  Bb~~
| I wanna    hide the truth|
| Eb                              | Bb

(Bb Bb Bb)  Eb*~ D*~ C*~~
I wanna       shelter you|
                                    | Cm

(G  G     G) G~       G~ Ab~~
But with the beast inside|
                                        | Ab

(Ab       Ab Ab)    Ab~ G~ G~~
There’s nowhere we can hide|
                                            | Eb

Pre-Chorus (Part 2)

No matter what we breed.
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come.
This is my kingdom come

(Eb* Eb* Eb*) Eb*~  Eb*~ D*~~
No matter       what we    breed|
                                               | Bb

(D* D* D*)   D*~    D*~ C*~~
We still are made  of   greed|
                                           | Cm

(G    G G)   G~ G~    Ab~~
This is my kingdom come|
                                     | Ab

(Ab   Ab Ab) Ab~ G~   G~~
This is   my  kingdom come|
                       | Eb

The piano is prominent in the verses. The chorus explodes with a powerful drumbeat and distorted guitars, pushing the piano to the background.

Chorus (Part 1)

When you feel my heat,
look into my eyes
It’s where my demons hide.
It’s where my demons hide

(G      G)  Bb~  Eb~ D~~
When you feel my heat|
                                  | Bb

(G    G) Bb~ D~  C~~
Look into     my eyes|
                                | Cm

(G  G       G)  G~  G~   Ab~~
It’s where my demons hide|
                                         | Ab

(Ab Ab      Ab)  Ab~ G~  G~~
It’s where  my  demons hide|
                         | Eb

Chorus (Part 2)

Don’t get too close,
it’s dark inside
It’s where my demons hide.
It’s where my demons hide

G~     (Bb) Eb~ D~~
Don’t get too    close|
                               | Bb

G~   Bb~  D~ C~~
It’s   dark inside|
                        | Cm

(G  G        G)  G~  G~   Ab~~
It’s where my demons hide|
                         | Ab

(Ab Ab      Ab)  Ab~ G~  G~~
It’s  where my  demons  hide

Verse 2

At the curtain’s call it’s the last of all
When the lights fade out, all the sinners crawl
So they dug your grave and the masquerade
Will come calling out at the mess you’ve made

Bb~ F~ F                  (Eb Eb) Bb~ F~ F~~
At the | curtain’s call, It’s the last| of all
          | Eb                                   | Bb

(Eb Eb) C*~ G~ F~~         (Eb Eb) Ab~ Ab ~ Ab~
When the lights| fade out  All the sin| ners crawl
                         | Cm                       | Ab

(Eb Eb) Bb~ F~ F             (Eb Eb) Bb~ F~ F
So they dug| your grave  And the mas| querade
                  | Eb                                  | Bb

(Eb Eb) C*~ G~ F       (Eb Eb) Ab~ Ab~ Ab~~~
Will come cal| ling out  At the mess| you made
                    | Cm                            | Ab

Scroll down for the notes and chords for the next part of the song Demons.

Imagine Dragons Songs Piano Notes


Don’t wanna let you down. But I am hell-bound
Though this is all for you. Don’t wanna hide the truth
No matter what we breed. We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come. This is my kingdom come

(Bb Bb Bb) Bb~  G~  Bb~~
| Don’t want to let you down|
| Eb                                   | Bb

(Bb Bb Bb)  Eb*~ C*~~
But I am   hellbound|
                              | Cm

(G        G    G) G~  G~  Ab~~
Though this is all for you|
                                   | Ab

(Ab    Ab Ab)  Ab~  G~  G~~
Don’t want to hide the truth

(Eb* Eb* Eb*) Eb*~  Eb*~ D*~~
| No matter     what we     breed|
| Eb                                          | Bb

(D* D* D*)   D*~    D*~ C*~~
We still are made of    greed|
                                           | Cm

(G    G G)   G~ G~    Ab~~
This is my kingdom come|
                                       | Ab

(Ab   Ab Ab) Ab~ G~   G~~
This is my    kingdom come|
                                         | Eb


When you feel my heat, look into my eyes
It’s where my demons hide. It’s where my demons hide
Don’t get too close, it’s dark inside.
It’s where my demons hide. It’s where my demons hide

(G       G)  Bb~  Eb~ D~~    (G    G) Bb~ D~  C~~
When you feel my heat|  Look into my eyes|
                                    | Bb                         | Cm

(G  G        G)  G~  G~   Ab~~    (Ab Ab      Ab)  Ab~ G~  G~~
It’s where my demons hide|   It’s where my demons hide|
                                          | Ab                                     | Eb

G~     (Bb) Eb~ D~~    G~   Bb~  D~ C~~
Don’t get too close|   It’s dark inside|
                              | Bb                   | Cm

(G  G        G)  G~  G~   Ab~~    (Ab Ab      Ab)  Ab~ G~  G~~
It’s where my demons hide|   It’s where my demons hide|
                                         | Ab                                       | Eb


They say it’s what you make. I say it’s up to fate
It’s woven in my soul. I need to let you go
Your eyes, they shine so bright. I wanna save that light
I can’t escape this now. Unless you show me how

(Eb     Eb Eb) Eb~  F~ D~~
They say its what you make|
                                         | Bb

(D D D)   D~  Eb~ C~~
I say its up to fate|
                           | Cm

C C C C~ *G~ *Ab~~
Its woven in my soul|
                               | Ab

C C C C~ D~ Eb~~
I need to let you go

(Eb     Eb Eb) Eb~  F~ D~~
| Your eyes they shine so bright|
| Eb                                          | Bb

(D D D)   D~  Eb~ C~~
I want to save that light|
                                   | Cm

G G G G~ F~ Eb~~
I can’t escape this now|
                                 | Ab

Ab Ab Ab Ab~ G~~
Unless you show me how|
                                      | Eb


When you feel my heat, look into my eyes
It’s where my demons hide. It’s where my demons hide
Don’t get too close, it’s dark inside
It’s where my demons hide. It’s where my demons hide

(G G) Bb~ Eb~ D~~    (G G) Bb~ D~ C~~
When you feel my heat| Look into my eyes|
                                   | Bb                        | Cm

(G G G) G~ G~ Ab~~    (Ab Ab Ab) Ab~ G~ G~~
It’s where my demons hide| It’s where my demons hide|
                                         | Ab                                  | Eb

G~ (Bb) Eb~ D~~    G~ Bb~ D~ C~~
Don’t get too close|  It’s dark inside|
                              | Bb                   | Cm

(G G G) G~ G~ Ab~~    (Ab Ab Ab) Ab~ G~ G~~
It’s where my demons hide|  It’s where my demons hide|
                                         | Ab                                     | Eb

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