Chhoti Chhoti Gaiya Chhote Chhote Gwal Keyboard Notes
For Chhoti Chhoti Gaiya Chhote Chhote Gwal Notes as Western or Indian Notations, Click –
Western – CDE FGAB
Indian – srg mpdn
Hindi – सारेग मपधनि
Keyboard Notes for Chhoti Chhoti Gaiya Chhote Chhote Gwal – Indian Notation (srg mpdn)
Keyboard notes for this Krishna Bhajan
are given from 3 scales
(based on the starting note for the bhajan)
Version 1 : starting from R
Version 2: starting from r (all white keys, easy to play)
If you are looking for easy to play version, try from r.
Version 3 : starting from s
Chhoti Chhoti Gaiya Keyboard Notes 1 (from R)
Starting Music
Starting music notes are given
after the full song notations.
Part 1
Chhoti chhoti gaiya
chhote chhote gwal
Chhoto so mero
Madan Gopal
Chhoti chhoti gaiya
gg MM D~~
chhote chhote gwal
Play like above notes
or play like –
Chhoti chhoti gaiya
gM DM D~~
chhote chhote gwal
R*R*~ n nD DM
Chhoto so me__ro
gMD M M~
Madan Gopal
Play like above notes
or play like –
DR*~ R* nD Mg
Chhoto so_ me__ro
DR*~ R* n~ DM
gMD M M~
Madan Gopal
Repeat Part 1
Chhoti chhoti gaiya
gg MM D~~
chhote chhote gwal
Press R*
or D and R* simultaneously 3 times.
R* R* R*~, R* R* R*~
Chho_to_ so, Chhoto_ so
DR* DR* DR*~, DR* DR* DR*~
R*R*~ n nD DM
Chhoto so me__ro
gMD M M~
Madan Gopal
DR*~ R* n~ DM~
Chhoto so_ me__ro
gMD M M~
Madan Gopal
Part 2
Aage aage gaiyaa
peechhe peechhe gwal
Beech may mero
Madan Gopal
R*R* R*n R*~ nD
Aage aage gaiyaa
nn nD n~~
peechhe peechhe gwal
R*R* R*n R*~ nD
Aage aage gaiyaa
nn nD n~~
peechhe peechhe gwal
R*R*~ n nD DM
Beech may_ me__ro
gMD M M~
Madan Gopal
Repeat Part 1
R M MM MDMg, gg MM D~~
Chhoti chhoti gaiya, chhote chhote gwal
R*R*~ n nD DM gMD M M~
Chhoto so me__ro Madan Gopal
Now all notes are similar to part 2
Part 3
Kaari kaari gaiya
gore goray gwaal
Shyam baran mero
Madan Gopal
R* R* R* n R*~ nD nn nD n~
Kaari kaari gaiya gore goray gwaal
R*R*~ nnD DM gMD M M~
Shyam baran_ mero Madan Gopal
Part 4
Ghaans khaave gaiyan
doodh peeve gwaal
Maakhan khaavay mero
Madan Gopal
R*~~ R* n R*~ nD n~~ nD n~~
Ghaans khaave gaiyan doodh peeve gwaal
R*R*n nD DM gMD M M~
Maakhan khaavay mero Madan Gopal
Part 5
Chhoti chhoti lakuti
chhote chhote haath
Bansi bajaawe mero
Madan Gopal
R*R* R* n R*nD nn nD n~~
Chhoti chhoti lakuti chhote chhote haath
R*~ R* nnD DM gMD M M~
Bansi bajaawe mero Madan Gopal
Repeat Part 1
R M MM MDMg, gg MM D~~
Chhoti chhoti gaiya, chhote chhote gwal
R*R*~ n nD DM gMD M M~
Chhoto so me__ro Madan Gopal
Starting Music:
R g M~ gM~ gM~
gRg D~ MD~ MD~
g M n~ Dn~ Dn~
DMD R*~ nD~ MgM
R g M~ gM~ gM~
gRg D~ MD~ MD~
MgM n~ Dn~ Dn~
D n R*~ nD~ MgM
Chhoti Chhoti Gaiya Keyboard Notes 2 (from r)
Starting Music
Starting music notes are given
after the full song notations.
Part 1
Chhoti chhoti gaiya
chhote chhote gwal
Chhoto so mero
Madan Gopal
r p pp pdpm
Chhoti chhoti gaiya
mm pp d~~
chhote chhote gwal
Play like above notes
or play like –
rr pp pdpm
Chhoti chhoti gaiya
mp dp d~~
chhote chhote gwal
r*r*~ s* s* d dp
Chhoto so me__ro
mpd p p~
Madan Gopal
Play like above notes
or play like –
dr*~ r* s* dpm
Chhoto so_ mero
dr*~ r* s* ~ dp
mpd p p~
Madan Gopal
Repeat Part 1
r p pp pdpm
Chhoti chhoti gaiya
mm pp d~~
chhote chhote gwal
Press r*
or d and r* simultaneously 3 times.
r* r* r*~, r* r* r*~
Chho_to_ so, Chhoto_ so
dr* dr* dr*~, dr* dr* dr*~
r*r*~ s* s* d dp
Chhoto so me__ro
mpd p p~
Madan Gopal
dr*~ r* s* ~ dp~
Chhoto so_ mero
mpd p p~
Madan Gopal
Part 2
Aage aage gaiyaa
peechhe peechhe gwal
Beech may mero
Madan Gopal
r*r* rs r*~ s* d
Aage aage gaiyaa
s* s* s* d s* ~~
peechhe peechhe gwal
r*r* rs r*~ s* d
Aage aage gaiyaa
s* s* s* d s* ~~
peechhe peechhe gwal
r*r*~ s* s* d dp
Beech may_ me__ro
mpd p p~
Madan Gopal
Repeat Part 1
r p pp pdpm, mm pp d~~
Chhoti chhoti gaiya, chhote chhote gwal
r*r*~ s* s* d dp mpd p p~
Chhoto so me__ro Madan Gopal
Now all notes are similar to part 2
Part 3
Kaari kaari gaiya
gore goray gwaal
Shyam baran mero
Madan Gopal
r* r* r* s* r*~ s*d s* s* s* d s* ~
Kaari kaari gaiya gore goray gwaal
r*r*~ s* s* d dp mpd p p~
Shyam baran_ mero Madan Gopal
Part 4
Ghaans khaave gaiyan
doodh peeve gwaal
Maakhan khaavay mero
Madan Gopal
r*~~ r* s* r*~ s* d s* ~~ s* d s* ~~
Ghaans khaave gaiyan doodh peeve gwaal
r*rs s* d dp mpd p p~
Maakhan khaavay mero Madan Gopal
Part 5
Chhoti chhoti lakuti
chhote chhote haath
Bansi bajaawe mero
Madan Gopal
r*r* r* s* rsd s* s* s* d s* ~~
Chhoti chhoti lakuti chhote chhote haath
r*~ r* s* s* d dp mpd p p~
Bansi bajaawe mero Madan Gopal
Repeat Part 1
r p pp pdpm, mm pp d~~
Chhoti chhoti gaiya, chhote chhote gwal
r*r*~ s* s* d dp mpd p p~
Chhoto so me__ro Madan Gopal
Starting Music:
r m p~ mp~ mp~
mrm d~ pd~ pd~
m p s* ~ ds* ~ ds* ~
dpd r*~ s* d~ pmp
r m p~ mp~ mp~
mrm d~ pd~ pd~
pmp s* ~ ds* ~ ds* ~
d s* r*~ s* d~ pmp
Chhoti Chhoti Gaiya Keyboard Notes 3 (from s)
Starting Music
Starting music notes are given
after the full song notations.
Part 1
Chhoti chhoti gaiya
chhote chhote gwal
Chhoto so mero
Madan Gopal
s m mm mpmG
Chhoti chhoti gaiya
GG mm p~~
chhote chhote gwal
Play like above notes
or play like –
ss mm mpmG
Chhoti chhoti gaiya
Gm pm p~~
chhote chhote gwal
s*s*~ N Np pm
Chhoto so me__ro
Gmp m m~
Madan Gopal
Play like above notes
or play like –
ps*~ s* NpmG
Chhoto so_ mero
ps*~ s* N~ pm
Gmp m m~
Madan Gopal
Repeat Part 1
s m mm mpmG
Chhoti chhoti gaiya
GG mm p~~
chhote chhote gwal
Press s*
or p and s* simultaneously 3 times.
s* s* s*~, s* s* s*~
Chho_to_ so, Chhoto_ so
ps* ps* ps*~, ps* ps* ps*~
s*s*~ N Np pm
Chhoto so me__ro
Gmp m m~
Madan Gopal
ps*~ s* N~ pm~
Chhoto so_ mero
Gmp m m~
Madan Gopal
Part 2
Aage aage gaiyaa
peechhe peechhe gwal
Beech may mero
Madan Gopal
s*s* s*N s*~ Np
Aage aage gaiyaa
NN Np N~~
peechhe peechhe gwal
s*s* s*N s*~ Np
Aage aage gaiyaa
NN Np N~~
peechhe peechhe gwal
s*s*~ N Np pm
Beech may_ me__ro
Gmp m m~
Madan Gopal
Repeat Part 1
s m mm mpmG, GG mm p~~
Chhoti chhoti gaiya, chhote chhote gwal
s*s*~ N Np pm Gmp m m~
Chhoto so me__ro Madan Gopal
Now all notes are similar to part 2
Part 3
Kaari kaari gaiya
gore goray gwaal
Shyam baran mero
Madan Gopal
s* s* s* N s*~ Np NN Np N~
Kaari kaari gaiya gore goray gwaal
s*s*~ NNp pm Gmp m m~
Shyam baran_ mero Madan Gopal
Part 4
Ghaans khaave gaiyan
doodh peeve gwaal
Maakhan khaavay mero
Madan Gopal
s*~~ s* N s*~ Np N~~ Np N~~
Ghaans khaave gaiyan doodh peeve gwaal
s*s*N Np pm Gmp m m~
Maakhan khaavay mero Madan Gopal
Part 5
Chhoti chhoti lakuti
chhote chhote haath
Bansi bajaawe mero
Madan Gopal
s*s* s* N s*Np NN Np N~~
Chhoti chhoti lakuti chhote chhote haath
s*~ s* NNp pm Gmp m m~
Bansi bajaawe mero Madan Gopal
Repeat Part 1
s m mm mpmG, GG mm p~~
Chhoti chhoti gaiya, chhote chhote gwal
s*s*~ N Np pm Gmp m m~
Chhoto so me__ro Madan Gopal
Starting Music:
s G m~ Gm~ Gm~
GsG p~ mp~ mp~
G m N~ pN~ pN~
pmp s*~ Np~ mGm
s G m~ Gm~ Gm~
GsG p~ mp~ mp~
mGm N~ pN~ pN~
p N s*~ Np~ mGm
Keyboard Notes for Songs
- Song List - Alphabetical
- Teri Jhalak Asharfi, Srivalli - Pushpa (2022)
- Tujhe Dekha To Ye Jana Sanam - Notes Corrected
- Aye Mere Watan Ke Logo
- Bade Achhe Lagte Hai - Updated
- Tere Mere Hothon Pe - Mitwa (Chandni)
- Jab Koi Baat Bigad Jaye - Updated
- Neele Neele Ambar Par
- Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram
- Hare Krishna Mantra - Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna - (Updated - 2 Styles)
Keyboard Notes for Bhajan
- Shreeman Narayan Narayan Hari Hari
- Navkar Mantra - Namokar Mantra (with Meaning)
- Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram
- Hare Krishna Mantra - Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna - (Updated - 2 Styles)
- Mangal Bhavan Amangal Hari - Ramayan Chaupai
- O Palan Hare Nirgun Aur Nyare
- Sukhkarta Dukhharta
- Hanuman Chalisa - Updated
- Chalo Bulawa Aaya Hai - Jai Mata Di
- Jai Ganesh Deva - (Easy Notes with How to Play Tips)
New and Updated Keyboard Notes
- Bade Achhe Lagte Hai - Updated
- Tujh mein Rab Dikhta Hai - Tu Hi To Jannat Meri
- Pardesi Pardesi Jana Nahi
- Mere Haath Mein, Tera Haath Ho - Corrected
- Dil To Pagal Hai, Dil Deewana Hai
- Ho Gaya Hai Tujhko To Pyar Sajna – Na Jaane Mere
- Tere Naam Humne Kiya Hai - Tere Naam
- Ye Sama, Sama Hai Ye Pyaar Ka
- Madhuban Khushboo Deta Hai
- Apni To Jaise Taise, Thodi Aise Ya Waise
- Aye Mere Watan Ke Logo
- Bade Achhe Lagte Hai - Updated
- Hare Krishna Mantra - Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna - (Updated - 2 Styles)
- Jyot Se Jyot Jagate Chalo
- Ek Pyar ka Nagma Hai
- Tum Hi Ho - Hum Tere Bin
- Christmas Song: Jingle Bells
- Jana Gana Mana (National Anthem)
- Ambe Tu Hai Jagdambe Kali - Devi Aarti - Updated
- Tu Pyar Ka Sagar Hai - Updated
Keyboard Notes
- Kaun Tujhe (M. S. Dhoni)
- Chookar Mere Man Ko, Kiya Tune Kya Isharaa
- Sanam Re, Sanam Re
- Mere Haath Mein, Tera Haath Ho - Corrected
- Dil To Pagal Hai, Dil Deewana Hai
- Apna Bana Le Piya - Tu Mera Koi Na
- Jai Shree Ram - Adipurush (2023)
- Main Agar Kahoon - Tumko Paya Hai To
- Jhilmil Sitaron Ka Aangan Hoga
- Dil Galti Kar Baitha Hai (2021)
- Satyam Shivam Sundaram
- Shreeman Narayan Narayan Hari Hari
- Panna Ki Tamanna Hai Ki Heera
- Jaane Jaan Dhoondta Phir Raha
- Ek Ajnabi Haseena Se
- Navkar Mantra - Namokar Mantra (with Meaning)
- Geet Gaata Chal O Saathi Gungunata Chal
- Chal Akela Chal Akela Tera Mela
- Jeena Yahan Marna Yahan, Iske Siva Jaana Kahan
- Madhuban Khushboo Deta Hai